ITiCSE 2014 submission guidelines

Subsection heads

If your paper has subsections, they are flush left, Times Roman, bold, 12 point, and subnumbered (for example, 1.1). Initial letters of the subsection heading should be capitalized. There should be an additional 6 points of white space above the subsection head unless it immediately follows a section head.


If your paper has subsubsection, they are flush left, Times Roman, italics, 11-point, with initial letters capitalized, and subnumbered (for example, 1.1.2 or There should be an additional 6 points of white space above the subsubsection heading, unless it immediately follows a subsection heading.


All text including abstract should be single spaced, full justification, Times Roman, and 9 point.


Use the standard Communications of the ACM format for references. That is, references should be a numbered list at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by first author, and referenced by numbers in square brackets, like this [1]. Use commas for multiple citations like this [3,4]. The reference section has a regular section head (i.e, numbered, ALL CAPITALS, Times Roman, bold, 12 point), and the references are 9 point Times Roman but with ragged right justification.

Copyright Space

1.5 inches of blank space at the bottom of the left column of the first page must be left for the copyright notice. A placeholder copyright notice with the number X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/X is also acceptable.

Other elements

Do not use page numbers or headers/footers. Use a blank line between paragraphs.


You may use color in your proposal but colors should be limited to pictures, graphs, charts etc. Color should not be used as part of the text in any way.

Required Sections

The following unnumbered sections are required at the beginning of each document in the following order:

  1. Abstract: The abstract should be a short description of the work described in the document. The title of the abstract should be formatted as a section head (i.e., flush left, Times Roman, bold, 12 point, ALL CAPITALS).
  2. Categories and Subject Descriptors: The ACM Computing Classification Scheme is available here. The templates contain examples that will likely be used by most submissions. The title of this section should be formatted as a subsection head (i.e., flush left, Times Roman, bold, 12 point, Initial Letters Capitalized).
  3. General Terms: This section is limited to the following 16 terms: Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Documentation, Performance, Design, Economics, Reliability, Experimentation, Security, Human Factors, Standardization, Languages, Theory, Legal Aspects, Verification. The title of this section should be formatted as a subsection head.
  4. Keywords: This section is your choice of words you would like to be indexed by. The title of this section should be formatted as a subsection head.


Note that there are several ways you must categorize your submission. Within the document itself, you must provide Category and Subject Descriptors, General Terms, and Keywords.

When you submit your document you also must categorize it for our database. The categories you choose are used to select the reviewers who will evaluate your submission. Please be sure to choose only the one or two categories that best fit your work. Selecting too many categories increases the likelihood that your submission will be given to a reviewer who is unfamiliar with the content.

Accepted submissions

If accepted, final papers, panel abstracts, poster abstracts, demo abstracts and tips & techniques summaries must be submitted in camera-ready format, electronically, as PDF files. These final submissions will be published in the conference proceedings. A condition of this publication is an author signed ACM copyright release form.

At least one author must register for the conference and present the accepted paper for it to appear in the conference proceedings. All accepted submissions must be presented at the conference by a subset of the authors.

Formatting instructions for the actual posters for presentation will be sent after acceptance.

Abstracts for accepted working group proposals will be made available on the ITiCSE 2014 web site.

Submission guidelines

Original submissions related to the conference are invited for the following categories: papers, working groups, panels, tips, techniques and courseware, and faculty and student posters.

General guidelines

Documents proposed for conference presentation should be high quality, unpublished, original work and submitted on-line. The official language of the conference is English. Submissions should use clear, ordinary grammar and avoid the use of colloquialisms that might be difficult for those who speak English as a second language.

Pages and deadlines for submissions are limited by the category of submission. Note that reviewers will assume they are reviewing completed works, as they will eventually appear in the conference proceedings. Do not submit incomplete drafts.

Submission category Page limit Submission deadline
(anywhere on earth)
January 12, 2014
January 12, 2014
Working group
January 12, 2014
March 16, 2014
Tips, techniques & courseware
March 16, 2014

Authors of papers must submit an anonymous version with all references to the authors removed (including author's names and affiliation plus identifying information within the body of the paper such as websites or related publications). After a paper is accepted, authors will be asked to submit a camera ready version which includes all the author details and identifying information.

Authors of all other submission types are required to submit a version which includes authors' names etc.

Electronic submission is required. All submissions should be in Portable Document Format (PDF). To submit your work, visit the online submission web site. There you will find a submission form that requires you to enter the type, title and topic of your submission, plus author contact information.

All submissions must adhere to the ITiCSE 2014 formatting instructions, detailed below.

ITiCSE 2014 Formatting Instructions

The requirements listed in this section apply to all submission categories. You may find it helpful to start by downloading a template first.

Templates for submissions can be found at the ACM SIG Proceedings website. All submissions, including final versions must be in Portable Document Format (PDF). Failure to follow these instructions may jeopardize the inclusion of your paper in the proceedings.

Note to LaTeX users: you should use option #2 (tighter alternate style) when formatting your document.


The title should be centered, Arial or Helvetica, bold, 18 point, and Initial Letters Capitalized Like This.

Author information

The author's name(s) should be centered using Arial or Helvetica 12 point. The affiliation and address should be Arial or Helvetica 10 point, and email should be Arial or Helvetica 12 point. Two or more authors may be listed side by side. If co-authors are at the same institution and share most information, you may use only one address. Please see the templates for examples.

Special note for Panel Submissions: Indicate which panelist is the moderator by placing the word Moderator in parentheses after their name.

Paper size

You should format your submission for 8.5 x 11-inch (US letter) paper.


Top and bottom margins should be 1 inch, left and right margins should be 0.75 inch. This is for every page including the first.


Text should be presented in two columns each 3.33 inches wide. There should be a 0.33 inch space between the columns.

Section heads

Section heads are flush left, Times Roman, bold, 12 point, ALL CAPITALS, and numbered starting at 1. There should be an additional 6 points of white space above the section head.


If you have any questions on the submission guidelines, please contact the ITiCSE 2014 Program Chairs: Tony Clear and Arnold Pears.